


莒南县地处中国黄海之滨、鲁东南鲁苏两省交界处,总面积1388平方公里,人口101万。      Junan county in the Southeast of Shandong Province, is located on coast of the Yellow Sea, and also at the junction of Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces. It covers an area of 1388 square kilometers, and has a population of 1.01 million.      莒南县人民医院,始建于1948年12月。为纪念杰出的国际主义战士、奥地利医学博士雅各布•罗生特,1992年10月,莒南县人民医院被山东省人民政府正式命名为罗生特医院。2014年9月加盟青岛大学医疗集团,成为青岛大学医疗集团莒南医院。六十余年来,全院医护人员始终以罗生特为榜样,发扬救死扶伤的人道主义精神,不断提高医疗技术与医院管理水平,现已发展成为集医疗、教学、科研、急救、预防、保健为一体的三级乙等综合性医院,是滨州医学院、山东医学高等专科学校教学医院,泰山医学院实践教学医院。      In 1941, which is the most difficult time of World War II in China, Jacob Rosenfeld, who is a comprehensive doctor from Austria, decided to come to the Anti-Japanese Base Areas of China. He entered Shandong Province in 1943, worked as the medical consultant for Shandong Military Region of the Eight Route Army, and has worked in Junan county for more than two years. He help tens of thousands civilian patients and leaders, such as Luo Ronghuan. In 1944, he suggested to build a field hospital for Shandong Military Region in the Chenjialaowo Village of Junan county. The hospital which possessed hundreds of houses was called Rosenfeld Hospital by local people. In October 1992 , the government of Shandong Province decided to name The People’s Hospital of Junan to Rosenfeld Hospital in order to commemorate the internationalist Jacob Rosenfeld and the friendship between China and Austria. In September 2014, Rosenfeld Hospital joined the Qingdao University Medical Group, but also be called Qingdao University Medical Group Junan Hospital. For decades, Rosenfeld has been the example of humanitarian for all the staff and encourage the hospital to improve the medical service continuously. Now, the hospital has become a comprehensive Grade-3 and Class-B hospital integrated with functions of medical service, medical student teaching, scientific research, first aid, preventive health care and rehabilitation.The hospital is the teaching hospital of Binzhou Medical College, Shandong Medical College, and Taishan Medical College.       医院占地面积101亩,总建筑面积10.4万平方米,核定床位1280张,医院设有32个临床科室和专业,10个医技科室,配有ICU、CCU、NICU等重症监护单元。其中重症医学科、产科、呼吸内科、感染性疾病科、肾病内科、内分泌科为临沂市市级重点学科。全院现有职工1361人,其中,卫生专业技术人员1236人,副高以上专业技术人员105人,研究生以上学历127人;2015年,门诊就诊病人472370人次,出院病人50805人次,住院手术9805台次,平均住院日8.0天,健康体检16168人次。      Rosenfeld Hospital covers an area of 81928.86 square meters, with the total building area of 95052.55 square meters. It has 1180 beds available, 31 clinical and technical departments , 10 medical laboratories, ICU, CCU, NICU and other intensive care unit. The hospital employs a staff of 1378 , which consists of 1188 professional medical workers, 110 senior consultants and 43 doctors acquired master’s degree. In 2014, the hospital provided services to 361153 outpatients and 52516 inpatients, with 10712 surgical procedures performed, and the average hospital stay was 8.4 days.      医院在做好常规诊疗的同时,着力打造“微创技术、介入技术、舒适化医疗”三大技术品牌。微创技术如腹腔镜、胸腔镜、关节镜、膀胱镜、宫腔镜等广泛应用于临床,腹腔镜胆总管切开取石术,结肠、直肠癌根治术;膀胱镜膀胱肿瘤电切术,钬激光碎石术等。介入治疗技术如选择性冠状动脉造影及冠状动脉支架置入术,颅内动脉瘤栓塞术、全脑血管造影术;外周血管的介入治疗,如肝癌、肺癌动脉栓塞术等。医院注重推广应用无痛内镜、无痛分娩等舒适化医疗技术。      Rosenfeld hospital has taken efforts to build brands: minimally invasive techniques, interventional techniques and traditional Chinese Medicine. Many new minimally invasive and interventional procedures have been performed: laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, laparoscopic radical resection of colon and rectal cancer, cystoscopic electrocision of bladder tumor, holmium laser lithotripsy, selective coronary angiography and intracoronary stent implantation, intracranial aneurysm embolization, aortocranial angiography, and arterial embolization for liver and lung cancer. The hospital has paid more attention to carry forward the Chinese Traditional Medicine, many safe and effective traditional therapies have been performed such as acupuncture, moxibustion, gua sha, cupping and physical therapy .     近5年来获市级以上科技进步奖26项,发明专利38项、实用新型专利144项,专业学术期刊上发表学术论文350篇,其中核心期刊上发表35篇,SCI收录2篇。医院拥有磁共振(MR)、64排螺旋CT、C型臂、6MV-电子直线加速器、X-刀、贝克曼全自动生化免疫一体化工作站(UniCelOR DxC880i)等诊断治疗设备165余台。      Over the past 5 years, the hospital has obtained 26 Municipal Science and Technology Progress Prize, 38 patent of invention and 144 utility model patent. There were 350 academic articles published in professional journals, in which, 33 articles can be retrieved in Chinese Science Citation Database and 2 articles can be retrieved in SCI Database. The hospital possess more than 165 modern medical equipment such as magnetic resonance imaging (MR), 64-row spiral CT, 6MV- electron linear accelerator, X- knife, and Beckmann full automatic biochemical immune integrated work station (UniCel○R DxC880i).      医院先后荣获第二届全国医院药事管理优秀奖,全国“五四”红旗团委,全省抗菌药物临床应用管理示范单位,产科被授予山东省“巾帼文明岗”荣誉称号,骨科被授予全省护理服务示范病房,肿瘤内科被省卫生厅授予山东省癌痛规范化治疗示范病房,检验科被定为“国家863计划—人体维生素检测关键技术与产品开发主题项目临床研究实验室”。      To date, the hospital has won lots of honors from government,and positive comments from citizens, such as The second National Hospital Pharmacy Management Excellence Award, the clinical laboratory was designated as National 863 Program Clinical Research Laboratories.      医院始终坚持“人民医院为人民”的服务宗旨,始终把人民群众的健康利益放在第一位。以病人为中心,以持续改进医疗服务质量为核心,以培养人才为基础,以学科建设为龙头,以医院文化为灵魂,使大爱无疆的“罗生特精神”代代相传,发扬光大,更好地为广大人民群众的健康保驾护航。      The hospital is always trying to archive the goal that "people's Hospital for people".The hospital aims to meet the demand of patients and provide the best service with solid faith of career, noble professional ethics, unreserved contribution, and rigorous academic attitude. "Rosenfeld spirit" will be inherited between generations.

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莒南县地处中国黄海之滨、鲁东南鲁苏两省交界处,总面积1388平方公里,人口101万。      Junan county in the Southeast of Shandong Province, is located on coast of the Yellow Sea, and also at the junction of Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces. It covers an area of 1388 square kilometers, and has a population of 1.01 million.      莒南县人民医院,始建于1948年12月。为纪念杰出的国际主义战士、奥地利医学博士雅各布•罗生特,1992年10月,莒南县人民医院被山东省人民政府正式命名为罗生特医院。2014年9月加盟青岛大学医疗集团,成为青岛大学医疗集团莒南医院。六十余年来,全院医护人员始终以罗生特为榜样,发扬救死扶伤的人道主义精神,不断提高医疗技术与医院管理水平,现已发展成为集医疗、教学、科研、急救、预防、保健为一体的三级乙等综合性医院,是滨州医学院、山东医学高等专科学校教学医院,泰山医学院实践教学医院。      In 1941, which is the most difficult time of World War II in China, Jacob Rosenfeld, who is a comprehensive doctor from Austria, decided to come to the Anti-Japanese Base Areas of China. He entered Shandong Province in 1943, worked as the medical consultant for Shandong Military Region of the Eight Route Army, and has worked in Junan county for more than two years. He help tens of thousands civilian patients and leaders, such as Luo Ronghuan. In 1944, he suggested to build a field hospital for Shandong Military Region in the Chenjialaowo Village of Junan county. The hospital which possessed hundreds of houses was called Rosenfeld Hospital by local people. In October 1992 , the government of Shandong Province decided to name The People’s Hospital of Junan to Rosenfeld Hospital in order to commemorate the internationalist Jacob Rosenfeld and the friendship between China and Austria. In September 2014, Rosenfeld Hospital joined the Qingdao University Medical Group, but also be called Qingdao University Medical Group Junan Hospital. For decades, Rosenfeld has been the example of humanitarian for all the staff and encourage the hospital to improve the medical service continuously. Now, the hospital has become a comprehensive Grade-3 and Class-B hospital integrated with functions of medical service, medical student teaching, scientific research, first aid, preventive health care and rehabilitation.The hospital is the teaching hospital of Binzhou Medical College, Shandong Medical College, and Taishan Medical College.       医院占地面积101亩,总建筑面积10.4万平方米,核定床位1280张,医院设有32个临床科室和专业,10个医技科室,配有ICU、CCU、NICU等重症监护单元。其中重症医学科、产科、呼吸内科、感染性疾病科、肾病内科、内分泌科为临沂市市级重点学科。全院现有职工1361人,其中,卫生专业技术人员1236人,副高以上专业技术人员105人,研究生以上学历127人;2015年,门诊就诊病人472370人次,出院病人50805人次,住院手术9805台次,平均住院日8.0天,健康体检16168人次。      Rosenfeld Hospital covers an area of 81928.86 square meters, with the total building area of 95052.55 square meters. It has 1180 beds available, 31 clinical and technical departments , 10 medical laboratories, ICU, CCU, NICU and other intensive care unit. The hospital employs a staff of 1378 , which consists of 1188 professional medical workers, 110 senior consultants and 43 doctors acquired master’s degree. In 2014, the hospital provided services to 361153 outpatients and 52516 inpatients, with 10712 surgical procedures performed, and the average hospital stay was 8.4 days.      医院在做好常规诊疗的同时,着力打造“微创技术、介入技术、舒适化医疗”三大技术品牌。微创技术如腹腔镜、胸腔镜、关节镜、膀胱镜、宫腔镜等广泛应用于临床,腹腔镜胆总管切开取石术,结肠、直肠癌根治术;膀胱镜膀胱肿瘤电切术,钬激光碎石术等。介入治疗技术如选择性冠状动脉造影及冠状动脉支架置入术,颅内动脉瘤栓塞术、全脑血管造影术;外周血管的介入治疗,如肝癌、肺癌动脉栓塞术等。医院注重推广应用无痛内镜、无痛分娩等舒适化医疗技术。      Rosenfeld hospital has taken efforts to build brands: minimally invasive techniques, interventional techniques and traditional Chinese Medicine. Many new minimally invasive and interventional procedures have been performed: laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, laparoscopic radical resection of colon and rectal cancer, cystoscopic electrocision of bladder tumor, holmium laser lithotripsy, selective coronary angiography and intracoronary stent implantation, intracranial aneurysm embolization, aortocranial angiography, and arterial embolization for liver and lung cancer. The hospital has paid more attention to carry forward the Chinese Traditional Medicine, many safe and effective traditional therapies have been performed such as acupuncture, moxibustion, gua sha, cupping and physical therapy .     近5年来获市级以上科技进步奖26项,发明专利38项、实用新型专利144项,专业学术期刊上发表学术论文350篇,其中核心期刊上发表35篇,SCI收录2篇。医院拥有磁共振(MR)、64排螺旋CT、C型臂、6MV-电子直线加速器、X-刀、贝克曼全自动生化免疫一体化工作站(UniCelOR DxC880i)等诊断治疗设备165余台。      Over the past 5 years, the hospital has obtained 26 Municipal Science and Technology Progress Prize, 38 patent of invention and 144 utility model patent. There were 350 academic articles published in professional journals, in which, 33 articles can be retrieved in Chinese Science Citation Database and 2 articles can be retrieved in SCI Database. The hospital possess more than 165 modern medical equipment such as magnetic resonance imaging (MR), 64-row spiral CT, 6MV- electron linear accelerator, X- knife, and Beckmann full automatic biochemical immune integrated work station (UniCel○R DxC880i).      医院先后荣获第二届全国医院药事管理优秀奖,全国“五四”红旗团委,全省抗菌药物临床应用管理示范单位,产科被授予山东省“巾帼文明岗”荣誉称号,骨科被授予全省护理服务示范病房,肿瘤内科被省卫生厅授予山东省癌痛规范化治疗示范病房,检验科被定为“国家863计划—人体维生素检测关键技术与产品开发主题项目临床研究实验室”。      To date, the hospital has won lots of honors from government,and positive comments from citizens, such as The second National Hospital Pharmacy Management Excellence Award, the clinical laboratory was designated as National 863 Program Clinical Research Laboratories.      医院始终坚持“人民医院为人民”的服务宗旨,始终把人民群众的健康利益放在第一位。以病人为中心,以持续改进医疗服务质量为核心,以培养人才为基础,以学科建设为龙头,以医院文化为灵魂,使大爱无疆的“罗生特精神”代代相传,发扬光大,更好地为广大人民群众的健康保驾护航。      The hospital is always trying to archive the goal that "people's Hospital for people".The hospital aims to meet the demand of patients and provide the best service with solid faith of career, noble professional ethics, unreserved contribution, and rigorous academic attitude. "Rosenfeld spirit" will be inherited between generations.

机构全称 莒南县人民医院
机构级别 三级乙等
创办年份 1948年
机构性质 公立医院
机构规模 未知
机构类别 综合医院
机构地址 山东 临沂市 莒南县 莒南县天桥路156号
在职职工数 -
核定床位数 1401 张
年门急诊量 -
年住院人次 -


2024.10.14 至 2024.10.20
21.46 医院品牌指数
34221624 综合排名