意外总是突如其来,在发病初的几分钟对于病人的抢救至关重要。您的援助之手和急救知识可以帮助挽回珍贵的生命。我们的急救训练能帮助您掌握重要的急救技能和知识。Accidents can occur anyw
Accidents can occur anywhere, and the first few minutes of the onset of the disease are critical to the patient's rescue. Your helping hand and knowledge of first aid can help save precious lives. Our first aid training could equip you with the skills and knowledge to help save someone's life.
天津和睦家医院是美国心脏学会(AHA)认证的高水平心肺复苏培训中心。AHA 拯救心脏(heartsaver)课程适合无医疗背景的普通人,采用小班教学(六人以内),严格按照国际标准教学,理论与联系相结合。通过考核后,学员将获得国际认证技能证书,在 100 多个国家和地区有效。
Tianjin United Family Hospital is an American Heart Association (AHA) accredited high level cardiopulmonary resuscitation training center. The AHA HeartSaver program is designed for people with no medical background. The program is taught in small class sizes (up to six students), strictly in accordance with international standards, and combines theory with connection. After passing the test, students will receive an internationally certified skill certificate, which is valid in more than 100 countries and regions.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation
学习现场安全及评估,胸外按压,口对口人工呼吸,自动体外除颤仪 AED 的使用。
Adult CPR: Learn about site safety and assessment, chest compressions, mouth to mouth resuscitation, and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED)
Children CPR: chest compressions, mouth - to - mouth resuscitation
Infant CPR: chest compressions, mouth - to - mouth resuscitation
First aid courses
First aid basics
Medical first aid: dyspnea, asthma, foreign body obstruction, allergy and epinephrine pen use, heart disease, stroke, syncope, hypoglycemia, epilepsy
First aid for trauma: hemostasis and bandaging, nosebleed, oral bleeding, tooth injury, eye injury, amputated limb management, fracture, sprain management and splint fixation, burn and electric shock
Environmental first aid: mosquito bites and stings, animal bites and human bites, tick bites, Marine bites, heat shot disease, frostbite, poisoning
Course site:Tianjin United Family Hospital
Training and examination certification fees
1200 元/人
RMB 1200 per person
团队不低于 6 人报名 1000 元/人
Group Promotion Price: RMB 1000 per person