儿童康复以脑瘫,发育迟缓干预为特色,结合生物学干预,系统化行为干预,精准化的医学检测将能提供孩子更科学的医学辅助干预,与国内最顶尖的行为干预机构合作,引入超系统化测评体系,结构化个训,RDI 模式的小组课及实景化自理课程,为孩子们提供全方位的科学服务。
Pediatric rehabilitation center
Pediatric rehabilitation features the intervention for cerebral palsy and developmental delay. Through integrated biological intervention and systematic behavioral intervention, precise medical diagnosis can provide children with more scientific intervention methods. Collaborating with the state-of-the-art intervention agencies in China, our center introduced the most advanced evaluation system, organized individual training, RDI mode group training and real-life situation training to provide the most comprehensive service for the children.