


昆明和万家妇产医院成立于2007年,2015年通过昆明市卫生局的评审,成功升级为三级妇产专科医院。 Kunming He Wanjia hospital was established in 2007, It review by the Kunming Municipal Health Bureau in 2015,and upgraded to three specialist maternity hospital 昆明和万家妇产医院从香港起首,致力于女性健康事业,秉承了香港100多年来的医学治疗与健康管理核心理念,为云南女性的生育与健康,带来了最尖端、最先进的港式医学服务系统,成为了港式女性健康护理系统在西南地区的推广典范。 Kunming He Wanjia hospital come from Hongkong , is committed to the cause of women's health ,it inherited the Hongkong 100 years of medical treatment and the core concept of health management ,and has brought the most cutting-edge, the most advanced port medical service system. Now, it became a model for the promotion of the health care system of Hong Kong style women's health care system in the South West. 医院拥有8层就诊大楼及13800平方米的就诊空间,开设有产科、妇科、计划生育科、不孕不育科、儿科五大特色专科以及内科、外科、乳腺科、中医科、医学影像科、预防保健科、医学检验科、病理科、麻醉科、放射科、口腔科等基础科室。 Hospital has 8 floors of the building and 13800 square meters of hospital space, and provided with obstetrics, gynecology, family planning, infertility infertility department, pediatrics five characteristics of the specialist, as well as internal medicine, surgery, breast surgery, Department of traditional Chinese medicine, medical imaging department, prevention of health, medical laboratory, Department of Pathology, anesthesiology, Radiology, Department of Stomatology etc. based Department 医院拥有大批医术精湛、学术精深的医学人才;在医教研实践中展现了科学求实、严谨细致的工作态度。 The hospital has a large number of medical skills, academic masterly medical personnel; in the practice of medical teaching and research show scientific and realistic, rigorous and meticulous work attitude. 医院注重前沿技术的研究,拥有多项国际尖端检测、治疗技术及先进诊疗设备,大量引进了美国、德国、韩国等40多套先进医疗设备。 Kunming He Wanjia hospital focus on cutting-edge technology research, with a number of international cutting-edge detection, treatment technology and advanced medical equipment, it has introducted of a large number of the United States, Germany, Korea, more than 40 sets of advanced medical equipment. 昆明和万家引进的航空式客服服务和酒店式客房管理服务。将香港人文理念、安全管理、服务模式融入到整个医疗服务当中。“私密空间一对一服务”的实施,确保市民就诊时拥有轻松愉悦的感受,拥有受人尊重的感受。医院开展了优质护理服务,无处不在的“病友至上”的理念,为市民的健康之旅融入了“以人为本”的气息。 Kunming and vanguard of the introduction of the aviation customer service and hotel style room management services. and hotel style room management services. Hongkong humanities philosophy, security management, service model into the whole of the medical services. "Private space, one to one service," the implementation, with the feeling of being respected. 昆明和万家妇产医院一直坚持“用爱心回报社会”的企业责任。自2010年起,与省总工会、市总工会合作,为10000余名环保职工进行了免费健康体检。 Kunming He wan jia hospital has always adhered to the "love return society" corporate responsibility. Since 2010, Hewanjia for more than 10000 female workers were free health examination with the Provincial Federation of trade unions, the City Federation of trade unions。 2010年10月,和万家妇产医院向茂山中学的孩子们捐赠价值3万元的图书。 In October 2010, Kun ming he wan jia hospital donated 30 thousand yuan worth of books to Mao mountain middle school children 2011年12月,和万家妇产医院组织医护人员自发向东川区乌龙镇大水井小学贫困留守儿童捐赠棉衣两千余件,小小帮助,满满的全是爱。 The spontaneous in December 2011, and tens of thousands of Obstetrics and gynecology hospital medical staff to the Dongchuan District Oolong town wells poor primary school left behind children donated clothes more than two pieces, with a little help, full is full of love. 2014年12月20日,与昆明广播电视台K3频道联合举办“呵护女性,幸福万家”妇科惠民义诊。 In December 20, 2014, hospital combined with Kunming radio and television channel K3 held "care for women, happy home" Huimin gynecological clinic 2015年9月,和万家妇产医院举办“云南首届少数民族生育文化展览会暨关爱少数民族孕妇,我们在行动”大型公益活动,向贫困少数民族孕妇捐赠价值4万余元的母婴用品及征集100名少数民族特困孕妇免费分娩。为环卫工免费体检......和万家用一系列的爱心行动实践着自己的责任。 September 2015, "The first Yunnan minority fertility culture exhibition and care minority pregnant women, we are in action" large public events held and tens of thousands of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, The value of the donation to the poor minority pregnant women more than forty thousand and maternal and child supplies 100 minority poor pregnant women free delivery. for sanitation workers free medical examination, and ten thousand with a series of actions to practice their own responsibility. 未来,昆明和万家妇产医院将继续秉承“以患者为中心”的服务理念,保持医院特色,锐意进取,不断创新,竭诚为广大妇女儿童提供最高品质的医疗保健服务,竭诚为云南省乃至整个西南片区的妇幼保健事业发展作出更大贡献! In the future, Kunming hewanjia hospital will continue adhering to the "patient-centered" service concept, will dedicate for the majority of women and children to provide the highest quality of health care services!  

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昆明和万家妇产医院成立于2007年,2015年通过昆明市卫生局的评审,成功升级为三级妇产专科医院。 Kunming He Wanjia hospital was established in 2007, It review by the Kunming Municipal Health Bureau in 2015,and upgraded to three specialist maternity hospital 昆明和万家妇产医院从香港起首,致力于女性健康事业,秉承了香港100多年来的医学治疗与健康管理核心理念,为云南女性的生育与健康,带来了最尖端、最先进的港式医学服务系统,成为了港式女性健康护理系统在西南地区的推广典范。 Kunming He Wanjia hospital come from Hongkong , is committed to the cause of women's health ,it inherited the Hongkong 100 years of medical treatment and the core concept of health management ,and has brought the most cutting-edge, the most advanced port medical service system. Now, it became a model for the promotion of the health care system of Hong Kong style women's health care system in the South West. 医院拥有8层就诊大楼及13800平方米的就诊空间,开设有产科、妇科、计划生育科、不孕不育科、儿科五大特色专科以及内科、外科、乳腺科、中医科、医学影像科、预防保健科、医学检验科、病理科、麻醉科、放射科、口腔科等基础科室。 Hospital has 8 floors of the building and 13800 square meters of hospital space, and provided with obstetrics, gynecology, family planning, infertility infertility department, pediatrics five characteristics of the specialist, as well as internal medicine, surgery, breast surgery, Department of traditional Chinese medicine, medical imaging department, prevention of health, medical laboratory, Department of Pathology, anesthesiology, Radiology, Department of Stomatology etc. based Department 医院拥有大批医术精湛、学术精深的医学人才;在医教研实践中展现了科学求实、严谨细致的工作态度。 The hospital has a large number of medical skills, academic masterly medical personnel; in the practice of medical teaching and research show scientific and realistic, rigorous and meticulous work attitude. 医院注重前沿技术的研究,拥有多项国际尖端检测、治疗技术及先进诊疗设备,大量引进了美国、德国、韩国等40多套先进医疗设备。 Kunming He Wanjia hospital focus on cutting-edge technology research, with a number of international cutting-edge detection, treatment technology and advanced medical equipment, it has introducted of a large number of the United States, Germany, Korea, more than 40 sets of advanced medical equipment. 昆明和万家引进的航空式客服服务和酒店式客房管理服务。将香港人文理念、安全管理、服务模式融入到整个医疗服务当中。“私密空间一对一服务”的实施,确保市民就诊时拥有轻松愉悦的感受,拥有受人尊重的感受。医院开展了优质护理服务,无处不在的“病友至上”的理念,为市民的健康之旅融入了“以人为本”的气息。 Kunming and vanguard of the introduction of the aviation customer service and hotel style room management services. and hotel style room management services. Hongkong humanities philosophy, security management, service model into the whole of the medical services. "Private space, one to one service," the implementation, with the feeling of being respected. 昆明和万家妇产医院一直坚持“用爱心回报社会”的企业责任。自2010年起,与省总工会、市总工会合作,为10000余名环保职工进行了免费健康体检。 Kunming He wan jia hospital has always adhered to the "love return society" corporate responsibility. Since 2010, Hewanjia for more than 10000 female workers were free health examination with the Provincial Federation of trade unions, the City Federation of trade unions。 2010年10月,和万家妇产医院向茂山中学的孩子们捐赠价值3万元的图书。 In October 2010, Kun ming he wan jia hospital donated 30 thousand yuan worth of books to Mao mountain middle school children 2011年12月,和万家妇产医院组织医护人员自发向东川区乌龙镇大水井小学贫困留守儿童捐赠棉衣两千余件,小小帮助,满满的全是爱。 The spontaneous in December 2011, and tens of thousands of Obstetrics and gynecology hospital medical staff to the Dongchuan District Oolong town wells poor primary school left behind children donated clothes more than two pieces, with a little help, full is full of love. 2014年12月20日,与昆明广播电视台K3频道联合举办“呵护女性,幸福万家”妇科惠民义诊。 In December 20, 2014, hospital combined with Kunming radio and television channel K3 held "care for women, happy home" Huimin gynecological clinic 2015年9月,和万家妇产医院举办“云南首届少数民族生育文化展览会暨关爱少数民族孕妇,我们在行动”大型公益活动,向贫困少数民族孕妇捐赠价值4万余元的母婴用品及征集100名少数民族特困孕妇免费分娩。为环卫工免费体检......和万家用一系列的爱心行动实践着自己的责任。 September 2015, "The first Yunnan minority fertility culture exhibition and care minority pregnant women, we are in action" large public events held and tens of thousands of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, The value of the donation to the poor minority pregnant women more than forty thousand and maternal and child supplies 100 minority poor pregnant women free delivery. for sanitation workers free medical examination, and ten thousand with a series of actions to practice their own responsibility. 未来,昆明和万家妇产医院将继续秉承“以患者为中心”的服务理念,保持医院特色,锐意进取,不断创新,竭诚为广大妇女儿童提供最高品质的医疗保健服务,竭诚为云南省乃至整个西南片区的妇幼保健事业发展作出更大贡献! In the future, Kunming hewanjia hospital will continue adhering to the "patient-centered" service concept, will dedicate for the majority of women and children to provide the highest quality of health care services!  

机构全称 昆明和万家妇科医院
机构级别 三级医院
创办年份 2008年
机构性质 公立医院
机构规模 未知
机构类别 综合医院
机构地址 云南 昆明市 西山区 云南省昆明市五华区新闻路259号
在职职工数 -
核定床位数 50 张
年门急诊量 -
年住院人次 -


2025.02.24 至 2025.03.02
18.95 医院品牌指数
44031976 综合排名